Get Paid to Write for Pantry Preparedness

I’m hiring a team of 10 writers to share their preparedness knowledge on Right now, this site is pretty new, but the team behind Pantry Preparedness has built massive sites with millions of pageviews and are eager to build this site into a fantastic resource for preparedness minded people. We’re looking for experienced prepareness enthusiasts with good knowledge to share, but it’s okay if you’re just a passionate hobbyist without seriously intense prepper experience.

If you’d like to get paid for your preparedness and self-reliance knowledge, and earn a little extra to pay for your preps, then this is a great opportunity.

PAYMENT. We pay $0.05 per word, and our articles are all either 1,000, 2,000, or 3,000 words in length. So you’ll be paid either $50, $100, or $150 per article depending on the length. Article lengths are assigned based on the topic, so you’ll know how much you’ll be paid for an article before you start.

CREDIT. As a writer, you’ll have your bio appear on all of the articles you write. You can mention or link to your social media profiles and even your own website if you have one in that bio. Writing on our site would be a great way to boost your credibility in the preparedness industry.

SCHEDULE. All writers will be expected to produce 1-5 articles per month. We offer a lot of flexibility on publish dates, but do expect you to return your article for review in a timely manner after putting your name on a topic. For most freelance writers, three articles per month is perfect so they have plenty of time to work on each article without being overwhelmed, but you can almost always pick up additional articles to write if you’d like more work.

OWNERSHIP. You understand and agree that all written content submitted to becomes the exclusive property of Income School LLC and you do not have the right to republish that content on your own site. Along those lines, you understand and agree that all photos, videos, and all other media submitted to is licensed to Income School LLC for perpetual use on You are only to upload media that you have the right to use, such as photos and video clips that you took yourself.

LEGAL. This opportunity is available for writers around the world. This is a freelance writing gig and you will be an independent contractor and receive a 1099 at the start of the year. Pantry Preparedness and are owned, operated, and published by Income School LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Meridian, Idaho.

Ready? Apply below. We will contact successful candidates on a rolling basis as spots are open. Watch for an email from us.